Oh, hey there :)
This week has been
pretty good. Lots of time in the Visitors Center and some awesome opportunities! Let me tell
you about it! (Again, these are never in any particular order...)
· I love serving in DC: So last Tuesday night, we were invited to
accompany President Cooke to a forum down at Georgetown University (a campus we
are required to stay FAR away from)! The forum was on scriptural authority, and
they invited a Protestant minister, a Rabbi, and President Cooke. So you had a
Catholic (because it's Georgetown), a Methodist, a Jew, and a Mormon talking
about scriptural authority! So cool! And a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Sadly though, I fell ill that evening right before we were supposed to go, so I
spent my evening in the Visitors Center while my companions went with President. They said
it was really cool though! I wish I could have been there!
· Second chances: Back on Thursday, we got a call from a member in the Chevy
Chase ward, inviting us to come to the Georgetown Law campus for yet another
forum. This one was more in the style of Why I Believe (Law School style).
There was a panel of 3 members from different backgrounds, but all law students
or Georgetown Law alums. Super cool. We started the meeting off by teaching
both the Restoration and the Plan of Salvation in 5 minutes, then the panelists
told their conversion stories, and then it was opened up to the audience for
questions! It was so cool to witness (I was able to be there, hence the title
of this paragraph). I LOVE people :) And I love when the Spirit is teaching
someone. It's so cool to watch!
· Tory: I love Tory so much! I have loved meeting with her and working
with her. Sister J and I met her at the endish of last transfer, and we've been
meeting with her ever since. The thing I love most about Tory, is her ability
to think deeply. She asks the best questions! And yet, she doesn't let her
thoughts get in the way of what her heart (and the spirit) are telling her!
It's so cool! I love hearing her thoughts or her perspective. I love how she
interprets some scriptures that I've read all my life, but she opens my
understanding more! She's basically the coolest person ever.
· Weather report: So last week, it was 68 outside while I was
emailing you. Now it's 30. Not cool, DC, not cool. (No pun intended.)
· Detroit?: I felt like I was in Detroit again! Only because I watched a guy
get arrested the other day. Took a good number of cops to do it. It was just
kind of awkward to watch really... But I must admit, I did laugh a little bit.
Don't really know why, but I did :)
· Sister J: AH! My heart! It's a little broken today. I thought I told you
this but she got her visa about 2 weeks ago. It came to the Visitors Center and I sat there
and stared at it for probably 15 minutes. I despised the mailbox that day. But
she left today. Like, 30 minutes ago. It's so sad! I loved (and still love) her
so much! The mission and the Visitors Center just won't be the same without her! I miss her
so much already! :( I guess Brazil needs her or something like that...
· Thanksgiving: It's this Thursday. The day after transfers. Should be cool.
I'll be working at the Visitors Center starting at 3:30, but don't worry, I will still be taken care of. I'm making the
turkey cookies for the sisters and senior couple that have to be on shift with
me, and Sister Petramalo (the senior sister) is bringing pumpkin pie! So it
will still be a party :)
· Festival: It starts a week from today!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. My dance is
not even close to being choreographed. I don't have the music for it. It's
Silent Night, but it's a unique arrangement... That makes choreographing a
little harder. But that's okay. We'll figure it out. I'm more excited about
festival itself though :) Bring on the crowds! Bring on the concerts! Bring on
the lights, the trees, and the nativity! Ah! I'm so excited!!
· Current companions: I love them so much! They brighten my day,
everyday! I am so lucky to have them! Sister Naka is doing better. She gets
stronger everyday, and I hope that continues to be true from here on out.
Sister Robert is wonderful. She sings like an angel :) They both work so hard
and I'm just amazed by them! I have so much to learn from the Sisters around
me! I am so blessed!
· Deep thinking: So yesterday, during church, I enjoyed some
deep thinking. I thought about 2 things mostly. One was inspired by a talk, and
the other was part of our Sunday school lesson. The one from Sacrament meeting, I would love to
share with you, but it takes a TON of explaining and it creates a very long
conversation! So if you want to hear my thoughts on "true happiness",
message me and I'll tell you. But I will tell you my other thought. I titled it
"I am who I am who I am". I am who I am and I can choose who I am.
Therefore, I should never not like myself, because I can CHOOSE who I am. Or,
if I don't like myself, I can change because I have the ability to choose who I
am. This is kind of like, "duh!", but it blew my mind yesterday! I
have struggled off and on my whole life with not liking myself or feeling
inadequate or just wanting to change, and now I finally realize that I CAN
change. I have had 2 gifts given to me: agency, and the Atonement of Jesus
Christ. If I'm truly applying these things in my life, and using the correctly,
how can I not change? How can I not become the person I want to be? Ah! I just
love thinking about this! It's so empowering :) Anyway, I'm just in a thinking
mood still, so I could go on forever. But I'll leave it at that for now. (But
seriously, hit me up about "true happiness".)
· Transfers: Oh, by the way, we got transfer call outs last night. They told
us if we were staying or going, where we were going, and who our companion(s)
would be. JUST so we could tell you :) Isn't that nice? So are you ready for
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· Okay. I'm leaving DC2nd. I'm not quite over
this yet. For the first time n my WHOLE mission, I'm not excited to go to a
new area. I'm not ready to leave! DC2 is THE best area, and my favorite ward so
far! I've made so many friends, and had so much fun working with people my age,
but I guess the Lord has other plans for me. But I'm still really sad about it
:( Sister Leben (from Germany) will be my replacement. Sister Naka and Robert
are staying here. I don't want to go :( Ha, both my converts in this ward left
before I did, so I guess it's my turn.... But! I'm going to New Carrolton. It's
out towards Bowie, so that will be fun. I'll be companions with Sister Holland
(from a little town in Idaho. I don't remember where, but I know it's in the
middle of no where). This will be her 2nd transfer, so I'll be finishing her
training. She just BARELY turned 19 right before she entered the MTC. But I
don't really know much else about her. I'll have more for you next week, I'm
Sister Holland |
Alright, I think that
just about sums up my week! Next time I email you, it'll be just hours before
the first night of Festival! I'm so excited! Thank you so much for all that you
do! For all your love and support! I'll see you soooon! Love you all!
Love, Sister Bullock
Photos from Arlington visit November 2013
The group going home in Feb 2014 |
Sisters Bullock and Clement |
The sisters that will go home in the next 6 months |
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