November 13, 2013
Oh my goodness, it's
been a busy week! Monday and Tuesday were swamped, so here
it is Wednesday night and I'm finally getting my email
out! So sorry about that :/ I promise I'm okay, just busy! Goodness, I miss you
all! Okay, since time is short (and I feel weird being on the computer this
late) we'll get on to the report :)
· Zone activity: Monday was our zone activity!!
(Which is why we had no time to email...) But it was super fun :) We all were 8
years old again and went to play Lazer Tag. I'm still really bad at it. I died
a lot. But I didn't come dead last! Only 2nd to dead last... Both times. But it
was still fun. And after that, all the sisters in our combined zones went to
eat at Sardi's! It is a Peruvian chicken place, and it is my favorite
restaurant out here :) I love it so much! You'll have to try it next time
you're out here! All in all, it was a fun day.
· Secret life: So apparently, I have a secret life. One of the sisters
had a dream about me that was just hilarious! In her dream I was sent home
because I was pregnant (Don't freak out, just read on). Later, all the sisters
found out that I was actually married, and that I had somehow weaseled my way
into coming on a mission. It was the biggest mystery how I had managed to get
married AND come on a mission. I guess I just wanted to be extra blessed? ;)
· Little victories: I fit into my winter coat better this
year than I did last year. It's the little things in life.
· Coolest musical number in sacrament ever: On Sunday, the entire elders
quorum (which is all of the men in the ward) performed a musical number. They
sang The Battle Hymn of the Republic in honor of Veterans day. Also, since we
have a ton of military people in the ward, half of those up front were in
uniform. It was pretty much the coolest Sunday ever.
· Eye why cue: Mad Gab time! Say the underlined portion out loud to
yourself and see if you get it. If you don't get it, keep trying until you do.
If you get it, congratulations! You can move on to the next round: sen cue.
· Packages: Packages are fun :) thank you for all the kindness and
love. (Tell Jessie I'm waiting for those pictures she promised to send me,
please! I'm dying to see them!) Highlights: all the pictures of Maddux, Beckham
and Berkley! I just about died...
· Travel plans: It's so weird that they are doing travel
plans already! It's still so far away... Right? They don't need to do that yet.
I'm going to be a missionary forever. (But I am secretly really excited to see
the family again! Ah! I love you guys!) But February 23rd is the day
I'm speaking, eh? Okay great :) I'll probably write my talk the night before...
If I write one at all. I have no idea what I'm going to say.
· Arlington pictures: Okay, so the sisters with me in the
February departing group! So Sister Nakatsuka, obviously, because she came out
with me. the other 2 sisters are Spanish speaking. they entered the MTC the
same day as me, but came out a transfer after me because they had to learn a
language. So the 4 of us go home together. And 3 of the 4 are VC trainers.
Funny, eh?
· Elder Zwick: He is coming to our mission this weekend! I have a loooong
training meeting with him tomorrow, an all day mission conference with him on
Friday, and then a Stake conference with him on Sunday :) So I'll be
best buds with him by my next letter home. Should be good stuff. I'm excited to
hear what he has to say!
· Festival: It's pretty much around the corner, and although I'm
overly excited about it, I'm not ready for it! There is so much to do still!
It's different being a sister in Festival, and being a leader in Festival. I
didn't think it would be so different! But it will be great :) Brother Brewer
is a member that lives in the area. He sits outside every night, with out a
coat no matter the weather, and greets people-welcomes them to the festival,
talks to them about the lights, here's about their experiences inside...
basically he is the most beloved fixtures on Festival :) Everyone loves him. It
wouldn't be festival without him. But he's also very sick, and so there was
concern that he wouldn't be able to come this year. But he's coming!!
· Ballet: Again, I have gotten much younger these past few weeks...
Ever since they told me I'd be dancing for Festival this year, that's all I've
wanted to do. I'm dancing around my apartment, around the Lazer tag arena,
around the VC, around the VC kitchen... Anywhere and everywhere. Just like the
good old days! I'm sure I would drive daddy crazy if I were home!
· Changes: We have a new ward mission leader! Sean got released! It
was crazy! Sean was such a great ward mission leader! He held that calling for
16 months, and it showed. He was the best ward mission leaders I've ever served
with! But this is tradition for me, I guess. In every ward I've been in, they
have changed the ward mission leader on me right before I leave. So maybe this
means I'm leaving?? I sure hope not! I love this ward too much!!
· Speaking of transfers: How is this transfer almost over?? That
can't be happening! We decided transfers for the sisters back on Tuesday,
but we'll see what President and the AP's have to say on Saturday. So, of
course, nothing is set in stone... AH! These transfers stress me out. But oh
well, I know that Heavenly Father knows what He's doing and it's all in His hands
(Mormon 5:23). I'll just have to trust in Him. :P
(Mormon 5:23
23 Know ye not that ye are in the ahands of God? Know ye not that he hath all power, and at his great command the bearth shall be crolled together as a scroll?)
· Companions: I still love them. Both of them. They bring such joy
and happiness to my life! Hooray for good companions!
Okay, I think that's
it for me this week. I'm sorry it's short and boring, but such is life :) I
love you all so much! Thank you for your love and support all throughout my
mission! I really appreciate it! i can't say thank you enough! Thank you, thank
you, thank you! I love and miss you, but I'll see you soon! Have a great
Love, Sister Bullock
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