Sunday, August 18, 2013

An Interesting and eventful week Letter dated Aug 14, 2013

Hey there!
Welp, this has been an interesting week! Lots to talk about and lots to say so let's get started!!
I made a list so I'll start with that. These are highlights from the week, they're in no particular order):
·   White Oak Ward: On Sunday, I had to go on an emergency exchange so one of our sisters could go to church while her companion was in the hospital (she's okay, don't fret). But it just so happened that they are serving in White Oak! So I was able to return to the ward I started in! On my 11th month mark! (Almost). Twas very fun :) I love that ward so much!
·   Little John: For this one, you have to think back to when I was actually serving in White Oak. I was teaching a 10 year old named Little John. HE WAS ADORABLE! But his aunt was holding him back from being baptized. Saddest thing in the world. BUT! Then I went to church at the White Oak ward and guess what!! Little John is getting baptized on Sunday!!! Ah! I was so excited :) And so happy! Tender mercy for sure :)
·   Elder Krenz: So, a while ago, I wrote home about how Sister Croese talks about her boyfriend a lot. Well, her family found my blog. And read that. So they teased her about that and she still teases me about it. It's great. Well, history is about to repeat itself. It's safe to say that Sister Jorgensen talks about her boyfriend a lot, too :) It's adorable! He's serving in Ukraine right now so she has a trinket or 2 from him. Super cute!
·   Naked man: You're not a real missionary until you've seen a naked man in a public area. I must be a really old missionary, because this week I saw my 3rd naked man.
·   Freddy: Dad! remember that time you told me about your pet wolf spider on your mission! (I think that's a real story...?) Well! I have one, too! His name is Freddy! He lives in one of our windows (between the screen and the glass). Don't worry, he's safe and we're safe :) It's so fun! We love him!
·   Visitors in the Visitors' Center: So, I had a pretty great visitor this week :) It was so fun to see a familiar face! It was like a breath of fresh air! I really believe it was a blessing to help me not discouraged at this point in my mission! Now, I am ready to work even harder, and make these last 6 months the best 6 months ever!
·   Time; I've decided that I don't like time. This week I was told that Sunday will be the day when I'm exactly 6 months from being released. Not cool. Time is dumb. Mission life forever!!
·   SIERRA: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful little girl who was the cutest little girl anyone ever knew! She would hide in cupboards, sing into the garden hose, and pretend to read books. It was so adorable!! And then, one day, she grew up. And now, she's turning 17 this Saturday! WHAT?? How could that happen? The good news, though, is that she's still adorable :) Happy bershday, Seeetser. I love you so much!
·   Finally: We. Have. Investigators!!!! AH! Finally! We're so excited! And they seem golden! Their names are Kim and Gaffz. We met them while talking to people at a metro stop! I guess we looked a little lost, because they came up and asked us if we needed help getting somewhere (ha!). But we got to talking to them and ended up inviting them to church. Then, we all received revelation, and Sister Croese voiced it, "We're actually on our way to an activity at the church. Would you like to come with us?" And they did! It was awesome! They liked FHE, and they'll be in church on Sunday :) They are so great!
Well, those are my exciting moments for the week :) I hope you enjoyed them because I sure did :) Thank you all for the support and love you have sent me over the past 11 months! You are so great! I love you, I love you, I love you! Have a great week, and remember that Heavenly Father loves you so much. He is so aware of you! Let Him help and guide you.

Love, Sister Bullock
Flowers from a special visitor

Visiting Sister Nakatsuka in the hospital

"Look what I found!"  A Wall Drug bumper sticker! Mom's note: For those of you who have never been to Wall Drug....It is in South Dakota and you view signs coming and going for more than 100 miles!  It's a cheesy place, but a ton of fun too!  We have eaten Buffalo burgers there too

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